Super Pintendo is excited to announce that we'll be attending Emerald City Comic Con 2023! From March 2nd-5th, 2023, you'll be able to pick up all 6 of our currently available Controllers with Character enamel pins in person at the convention.
PLUS we'll have our first ever convention specific pin available. Based on last years custom ECCC video game controller, this pin is the perfect keepsake for any fans attending Emerald City Comic Con this year.
But wait, there's more!
We're also releasing the first ever pins in our exclusive (and too hot for the internet) Artist Series. Thats right, two pins will be available exclusively first at Emerald City Comic Con this year - and then future conventions on our schedule! But they'll NEVER be made available online! These pins are so exclusive that their designs and catalogue will be behind lock and key (or a password protected page on this website). You don't want to miss this drop!
We cant wait to see you at Emerald City Comic Con 2023! Located at Comic Controllers booth (Number to come!)